Thursday, June 16, 2011


Wednesday June 8

Cornuda bound we are! Woke this morning at 6:20. My new pal (im calling Brooklyn) had to run back up to her room bc she had put her pants on inside out... Tell me, there's just something kind of wrong about waking with the sun while traveling in Italy. However, something tells me that it just might be worth it. Have yet to be disappointed thus far on the trip.

We've had this constant haze over the city the past 3 days that every now and then turns into rain showers. Not the most ideal weather, but it creates this fabulous diffused glow for picture-taking.

That's all for now. My eyes are heavy & my brain hasn't quite turned on yet. Here I'll sit, staring out the window of the train. Hypnotized by the blur of terra cotta, stucco, graffiti & sea of vibrant green vegetation surrounding.

and so the trek begins...

first stop: Botter Pasticceria Caffé


still drooling...

Just arrived in Cornuda! Stopped off at Botter Pasticceria Caffé & perhaps had one of the best cappuccinos in my life. No joke... and yes I know I've said that about 10 times already... The texture of the foam, the perfect pull if espresso paired with an authentic conolli; so light & fluffy. Delectable. Now back on to our bus and onward to the print shoppe.


Master printer. A true man of his kraft. 

Jonathan. Lita. Elise.

...and more helvetica

The one and only Louise Fili, sharing a print she found in the studio that she found lovely

Fell in love with a sink. 

Amazing wall art, all old wood block letters.

There he is again.

Nerd alert, walking to this restaurant reminded me of a scene out of Under the Tuscan Sun.
Picturesque doesn't even begin to summarize.

the crew

oh, look! It's-ah me-ah.

Incredible vintage woodblock letters. Another thing I fell in love with while I was here. 

Drawers and drawers and drawers of beautiful wood blocks.
They had a built-in wall shelving system that housed their rare letter collection.

N, for Nicoletta

The. Original. Bodoni. Type. Manual.

the cool letterforms from about, in use.

Holy crap, I've never been around so many über type geeks EVER! It was ah-maz-ing! Just left the Tipoteca Italia Foundation (tif). Our handsome Italian type guide, Alesandro, took us through a beyond incredible collection of printing presses, wood type from the 1800s, the original Bodoni typeset collection from 1500s... You would have thought we just saw Brad Pitt with the amount of photos we were taking (however, if it was brad pitt I could care less). Wow. And breathe.

Did I mention lunch? Nope, I don't think I did. We walked about a mile to Tratoria da Luciano, a family-owned Italian restorante in the fields of Cornuda. Chianti & local Prosecco to start, vegetable risotto al dente, followed by a tender pork roast & roasted fingerling potates... These are the things dreams are made of.

ECHOES OF ITALY (sva blog entry)

SVA MFA Design blog entry. Photos and copy by yours truly (from the Rome portion of our travels)... and yes, I've been given the Italian name Nicoletta. Ha! It's kind of stuck with me. Don't think anyone else on the trip is still going by their Italian alter ego. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


June 8

periodic thoughts

Italians are speaking to me in French, and I’m ok with that.
Well, bc it means I look French and the French are classy people.

I wish I had a travel companion.

Found the best pastry shop thus far in Italy.
Yeah, you could say I might have over-indulged... we’ll call it a pre-birthday solo celebration, how’s that?

bought my first piece of typical Venezia tourist shwag: Murano glass ring. 

Finding I like the cities outside of Venezia a bit more... 
authentic, no tourist and Italians treat you with a bit more respect

thoughts of grad school... shhh

trying to distract my intense craving for Italian Leather goods
(fail. you'll find out later)


suck! My calculations were waaaaay off. No bueno.

Monday, June 13, 2011


In between June 7 & 8

That is, if you can call it down time... I wander, and a lot. If I'm not contemplating my next move on this project, I'm wandering – discretely carrying my camera around catching any unique moment. 


speaking of red... wine

Absolutely adorable child. 
Found some gloves in the window she really needed to have

shrooms, dude


Uncommonly rainy since we've been here. 
Cute kids in their galoshes. 
(shout-out to pops for hooking me up with shnazy raincoat)


I'm not the only one keeping tabs on the group... We've had a paparazzi-style crew keeping up on our every move throughout this journey.  Get some inside insight on some of the other kid's experiences here: SVA Masters Workshop in Italy (yes, those are my hands in the letter press photo – hot... I'm thinking about becoming a hand model.)


hotdogs  on French rolls... umm nope.